Anyone who knows the manga written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda, One Piece, will certainly know Yamato, a character introduced in the current arc of the literary franchise. An important fact about this character, who is Kaidoh’s daughter, expresses: “ Yamato and her father Kaidoh have a tense relationship, as Yamato idolizes Kaidoh’s enemy, Kozuki Oden. When Yamato told Kaidoh that he wanted to be Oden, Kaidoh responded by hitting him. However, Yamato has emulated Oden for the past twenty years to the point of presenting himself as a man to Luffy, and although Kaidoh disapproves of her worshiping him, he refers to Yamato as his son.”

The latter has made known communities on Twitter dare to claim that Yamato is transsexual, forcing her to join the LGBTQI+ community. However, things didn’t go well for them, as the details of the character ‘s ‘ Vivre Card ‘ were recently leaked, definitely confirming her as a woman. What’s more, a recent promotional video included Saori Hayami as her voice actress, further reinforcing the data.

©One Piece

But what is Vivre Cards? Well, they simply present background details relating to the characters in the franchise, and while some want to ensure that ‘the only canon is the manga’, everything featured on these cards is pre-verified by the author himself before publication. User ‘ Artur – Library of Ohara ‘, a popular Twitter account that shares information about the franchise, shared an update describing the entire leak and why the fact that Yamato is a woman turns out to be irrefutable:

“In the new Vivre card packs, a lot of information about Yamato’s gender identity was provided. In short, the verdict is: Yamato is canonically considered a cis woman (born woman). In the sex/gender section of the card, Yamato is referred to as ‘feminine’ without any additional connotations. On the back of the card, on more than one occasion, it is referred to with third-person feminine pronouns when it is described. And, in her description, she is called ‘Princess of the Pirates of the Beast’ and ‘Princess Oni’. The Vivre Card makes it very clear that he wants to address Yamato as a woman. Mention is made of Yamato becoming Oden, but it is still done with feminine pronouns.

Several comments from the aforementioned community were heard on social networks, highlighting:

  • “ The Vivre cards are a ‘disappointing but not surprising’ situation. But personally, it doesn’t change the way I’ve seen it and I will continue to see Yamato.”
  • “The announcement of the Vivre Card of Yamato is not the time ‘I told you so’ the idiots think it is, do not understand why you are happy that a community loses representation. It doesn’t hurt to be a horrible person.”
  • “Brother, you literally called Yamato ‘he’ on each of your panels and then confirmed that Yamato was a woman. Oda is a real threat.”
  • “Trans people deserve to be treated with respect in any case, even if Yamato’s gender is confirmed as female, that doesn’t give an excuse to be transphobic. It was okay for trans people to believe that Yamato represented them.”

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