Among Us, Anime Characters is a highly successful murder mystery video game whose premise is that a group of crewmates try to determine and expel the “Imposters”, aliens disguised as crewmates whose sole objective is to sabotage the ship and assassinate everyone on board … all undetected.
There are many anime characters who would cope well with this task even without using their special abilities to facilitate their endeavors. By identifying which of them would be able to blend in with fellow crew members and the ways in which they would avoid suspicion, we can better understand their chicanery.
10. Aizen was excellent at deflecting blame (Bleach)

Aizen was a masterful manipulator who did not need special powers to turn friends and colleagues against him. He was able to convince the Soul Society that Rukia was guilty of the crimes she had committed, and they only found out when he was ready to leave.
Later, it would be relatively trivial for him to blame others for the murders he committed, providing convincing arguments about his guilt. The villain’s strategy would be especially effective if those expelled do not confirm the veracity of their claims.
9. Fraudrin was brilliant in convincing the Holy Knights of who she was (Seven Deadly Sins)

Although Fraudrin’s ability to possess others may be an unfair advantage, he does not need it to be a convincing imposter. He managed to convince the holy knights of his identity as Hendrickson despite his unusual requests.
Furthermore, the demon has proven adept at winning over the crowd, especially since he was able to turn the swords of the realm against the previously revered Seven Deadly Sins. It follows that few would suspect him of being an imposter until it was too late.
8. Lisa lived as a convincing imposter for years (Fire Force)

Lisa lived with Vulcan for years to gain his trust and take over the Amaterasu blueprint, as ordered by her White Bandmaster Giovanni. Although she is not particularly intelligent or capable of deflecting blame, she has demonstrated her ability to avoid accusations by keeping her head down and going unnoticed.
By commenting passively from time to time and staying in the background, her seductive presence would exonerate her from any suspicions her actions generated. His success is especially guaranteed, as he ultimately fulfilled his mission on behalf of his benefactor.
7. Kabuto was a professional spy who could go unnoticed wherever he went (Naruto)

Before becoming the power-mad necromancer seen in the Fourth Shinobi War, Kabuto was a skilled spy. Not only did he work on behalf of the Foundation for Danzo Shimura, but he also managed to convince Team Seven of his identity, allowing him to follow them without suspicion.
Additionally, the medical ninja has shown excellent subtlety, sneaking into a Konoha hospital undetected and nearly claiming Sasuke’s life. It follows that you will know when and where to carry out a murder without being reported and always have a convincing alibi at hand.
6. Oingo convinced the Crusaders he was Jotaro (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)

Aside from the usefulness of his Stand (which allowed him to disguise himself as anyone), Oingo was a far more capable manipulator than his garrulous demeanor might suggest. He managed to impersonate Jotaro convincingly and infiltrate the Crusader car without being suspected by Polnareff or Joseph Joestar.
Although his plan to give Kujo a fruit to explode would end in failure, his ability to circumvent opponents undetected would be an incredible asset in facilitating a perfect impostor victory.
5. Satsuki was smart at faking tasks (Kill La Kill)

Satsuki Kiryuin received instructions from Ragyo to create the Honnoji Academy and spread the influence of the Life Fibers. Although he feigned obedience when setting up the school, in the end, he had a totally different purpose than the one they had agreed upon.
He demonstrated a very useful quality for any aspiring impostor: the ability to wait for a time by faking tasks. When the time came for Satsuki’s betrayal, even Ragyo was shocked. Unfortunately, his duplicity was of no use, as he was unable to kill his mother in one fell swoop.
4. Hisoka infiltrated the most powerful criminal enterprise on the planet (Hunter X Hunter)

Hisoka may not have any innate ability for stealth, but he was cunning enough to infiltrate the Phantom Troop (a criminal organization dedicated to secrecy and loyalty) without any of its members noticing. And that’s despite the fact that it didn’t help them in the battle for Yorknew.
Considering his unquestionable absence, we can discern that Hisoka would also be adept at faking tasks. Since he waited for Chrollo to separate from his companions before confronting him, it follows that he would employ a similar strategy to eliminate his companions.
3. Bertholdt was the best spy the warriors had (Attack on Titan)

Bertholdt was the only member of the Warriors who made a formidable spy. He wasn’t as obvious about his identity as Annie, nor did he break under pressure like Reiner. Hoover’s only mistake was when Marco overheard his conversation with the Armored Titan.
To mend his luck, he worked with his comrades to engineer Marco’s death, feeding a pure Titan so that the scouts would not investigate his corpse. This implies that he would be able to responsibly kill his targets in a place where their bodies were difficult to find and report.
2. Hawks was smart enough to infiltrate the League of Villains (My Hero Academia)

His superiors specifically requested Hawks to join the League of Villains as a spy, due to his credible track record and great manipulation skills. After being subjected to rigorous testing by Dabi, the avian hero managed to join one of the most sinister organizations on the planet.
Despite the miscreants’ reservations, he quickly adapted to his new surroundings and demonstrated his ability to shrug off intense scrutiny.
1. Light Yagami was able to endure as an assassin despite being singled out for his actions (Death Note)

Light Yagami was an intelligent man who managed not only to avoid being revealed as Kira’s killer but also to lead the investigation that aimed to hunt him down. All this despite the fact that L knew of his betrayal from their first interaction and that he often warned the other members of the task force against him.
Considering that he was able to avoid suspicion even after L’s murder, it follows that he could kill anyone who tried to accuse him in a game of Among Us , employing convincing alibis and scapegoats to ensure his secret remains safe.