The anime adaptation of Blue Period, based on the manga of the same name published in Spain by MilkyWay Ediciones, will be one of the autumn premieres that will arrive exclusively on Netflix. It will arrive under the translated title, Blue Period as we see in its file.
The different international media assure that the international premiere of the anime series will take place on October 9 and that the platform will premiere one chapter a week of the series. We must take this information with caution, because with Violet Evergarden the same thing was also announced and then it only happened in some countries, and in Spain, it was released complete once it was finished, so we will have to be attentive to see what will happen in the end.
The first episode of the series, in Japan, will air that day on the Super Animeism block on October 1. Koji Masunari is the chief director of the series, with Katsuya Asano as director and the firm of the Seven Arcs studio.
Bored with life, popular teenager Yatora Yaguchi delves into the beautiful and unforgiving world of art after finding inspiration in a painting.