The beautiful Evangelion Units pilot has become a dream come true thanks to this cosplay.

Of all the characters in Evangelion, Mari Illustrious Makinami is one of the most mysterious out there. Little is known about her past, which is why fans are quite confused by her presence, however, this beautiful pilot has earned a very special place among the waifus of this series, which is why we loved this cosplay, Well, he has offered us a sensual interpretation of Asuka’s faithful companion.
The most beautiful pilot of Evangelion Units?

Seeing the work that the beautiful Sophie Valentine has done, we cannot but praise the great interpretation that she has made of the character of Hideaki Anno, because in addition to having a great physical resemblance to her, the characterization that she has made of Mari Illustrious Makinami is simply spectacular.
In this way, we can see that the cosplayer is using the pilot’s characteristic plugsuit, which has been adapted on this occasion as a pink vinyl bodysuit with certain accessories that offer us the illusion of truly seeing the character.

In the following image from the set of Sophie Valentine we can see the heroine of Tokyo-3 again, but now offering us a very different profile: posing before the camera with remarkable sensuality, as it was presented within the Rebuilds of Evangelion when she was a pilot. descended on NERV in a parachute.

Many fans believe that the creation of Mari does not add anything to the plot of the series, however, if we consider absolutely all the parts with which the franchise is made up (anime, movies, and manga), we can warn that the introduction of this The pilot was not free, but was planned in advance by both Hideaki Anno and Yoshuyuki Sadamoto and the rest of the team that makes up Khara. In this regard, we fans could not be more grateful.
And you, what do you think of this Mari Illustrious Makinami cosplay?