Christopher Ayres, the voice actor who voiced Emperor Frieza in the Dragon Ball anime, has died at the age of 56 after suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in recent years.
The news was confirmed by his partner, also actress Krystal LaPorte, who indicated that Chris Ayres died on October 18 in the company of his entire family and loved ones. The actor was recovering from a series of delicate surgeries that left him quite weak.
Chris was the official voice of Freeza in Dragon Ball Z Kai and has since played the emperor in Super and in the two official Toei Animation films. He was, so to speak, the Frieza of the new generation of fans who came to the Goku anime.
The Dragon Ball community around the world is in mourning because now Freeza “will no longer be” Freeza, at least in the United States. Rest in peace, Christopher Ayres.